1 out 4 women will experience domestic violence in their life time.
An estimate of 1.3 million women will be a victim of domestic violence each year.
Men are not excluded to being a victim of domestic violence; however 85% of victims reported are women.
Historically, women have been a victim of a known assailant.
Females 20 to 24 years of age are at the greatest risk.
Most cases of domestic violence are never reported to police.
1/3 of female victims of homicide are killed by their intimate partner.
In 70 to 80 percent of the cases where the suspect was a domestic partner, the man abused the woman.
18.5 million victims seek mental health care each year as a result of domestic violence.
Effects on Witnesses
Witnessing your parents or caretakers committing acts of violence upon one another is the greatest influence for transmitting violent behavior from one generation to another.
Boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to commit acts of violence against their partners or children in the future.
30 to 60 percent of violent partners also abuse their children.
Economic Impact
The cost of domestic violence exceeds 5.8 billion dollars each year with 4.1 billion spent of medical and mental health care.
Work force employees loss over 8 million days of work each year due to domestic violence. The is equal to 32,000 full time jobs and over 6.5 million days of house hold productivity as a result of domestic violence.
There are 16,800 homicides and 2.2 million treated victims of domestic violence each year costing an estimated 37 billion dollars.